Friday, August 21, 2009

Ok....are you ready for the longest blog post in the history of blogging????? So we have been home ...well sort of...for a few weeks now. Everyone is doing really great! Do i have an AMAZING family or what!?! Brynnah is just the most strong willed little gal I know!! She is doing soooo much better so much sooner than we anticipated! She is starting to walk (she lost a lot of ground after being sedated and immobilized for what....almost 5 weeks!) loves to push things around, and is crawling like crazy! She has also begun EATING! Now if that isn't a miracle I don't know what is???? She eats at least 2 meals a day (like 3 oz each feeding) which doesn't sound like much to most of you...but if you know Brynnah you know what a huge acomplishment it is! She also is ASKING for food!!! She is also become somewhat of a chatterbox! She talks non-stop and doesn't care who it is...she will just start talking up a storm about animals or colors or whatever she feels like repeating. And overly thrilled when everyone tells her how smart and cute she is! She has also grown a TON...they had to decrease what she's getting in her feeding tube because she keeps gaining weight. Daddy's kidney is still plugging away and doing fabulously! Labs have been great and there's no sign of rejection. This week is our last week of going to Salt Lake every week....which is pretty exciting for me....I Hate going up there all the time! She will be going every other week now! She did have a little setback last week and required more oxygen...she came home on 1/2 a liter and now she's on 2 liters...bummer I know...but I would rather have her breathing well on more oxygen than not breathing...! Ryan is doing AWESOME! He's been back to work for a few weeks and has been on regular duty the last 2 weeks! He sure is a trooper! I have been keeping busy catching up on scrapbooking and christmas gifts. We are doing the final planning for our big trip to San Diego on the 7th of October....we are way excited and can't wait to get to go on a VACATION!!! We are extending our stay and will get 6 whole days to do whatever we want! We are also preparing Brynnah to start that CRAZY or what!?! Other than that just alot of appointments, medication, and more appointments!! Thank you all for your love and support...we sure love you!


Camille said...

That is so great to hear! You guys are my heroes! Especially you, Jaqui!

sarefamily said...

Glad you guys are all doing well. I really hand it to you moms who have all that extra stuff to deal with. You seem to just take it all in stride and make the best of every situation. What a great mom you are!!!!

Curtis~Lara~Taygen~Bentley said...

Jacqui- you have all been in our prayers. I am so glad to hear things are looking up.

Aleisha said...

AMAZING!!!! I can't wait to see her really eat! I thought about her when were in the zoo in Colorado looking at the hippos. Love your hair cut by the way.