Monday, May 12, 2008

Matt's Birthday

So on Friday we had our good friends Matt, Amber and baby Jeriah over for Matt's birthday. Matt was all pouty because Amber didn't have anything planned for his birthday because she had to work(sorry matt but you were pouty) i formulated the plan to roast hot dogs and smores on the fire pit out behind our house ! Little did we know that roasting hot dogs and smores was key word for "it's going to snow"! It was extremely cold and snowing while we were trying to inhale our food as fast as humanly possible so we could return to the house where we would be nice and warm....and dry! All of us had to put jackets and sweaters on so we wouldn't get soaked....
We REALLY wanted smores before we went inside so Ryan and I had a system...he roasted I got everything else ready and we stuffed our faces!
We gave Brynnah a marshmallow...for those of you who don't know Brynnah doesn't eat anything by mouth...but we try to get her to at least put it in her mouth and then who knows.....
A typical Brynnah reaction to food....spitting out the food then making an adorably cute face so that you forget you're upset with her for not trying the food.

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