Tuesday, October 13, 2009

You know I've decided that we really need internet at our house!!!! I hate that I can only update about once a month ...if I'm lucky! So lets see first things first...we had Brynnah's Birthday party on the 3rd of October and it was a blast. We did a jungle animal theme and Brynnah loved every minute of it! I made her cake this year and it actually turned out really cute...despite my lack of cake decorating talents! She of course got spoiled she got tons of clothes, not one but two doll houses! Not to mention a bunch of littlest pet shop toys! We had a good turn out of people and of course I think the big hit this year was the pinata (it was a monkey this year!) Even Brynnah got to take a swing this year! Last tue. the 6th we headed to SLC where the make a wish foundation put us up in a motel then we were to fly out the next morning....little did we know that Brynnah's body of course had other plans! I should have mentioned before that she had been fighting a bout of the flu/cold for the previous couple weeks. Her symptoms kept getting worse and I ended up calling her physician and the kidney docs in SLC. Unfortunately they had us go to the ER where we stayed enduring horrible tests and lots of "pokes"(as brynnah would say) we were there for 7 1/2 hrs. They finally decided to admit her to the floor where we were there for almost a week! So we totally missed our trip to San Diego...bummer! But we did get it rescheduled maybe next week or the week after! They really didn't find much while we were in the hospital...she got diagnosed with a UTI that progressed into her kidney, at one point they thought kidney rejection which scared us all! But then they found that she had a trace of rhino-virus and they figured between the two it was too much for her already poor immune system and poor little body. She hasn't had any fevers going on day 3 now!!! So overall we had a great time! ha! Thank you all for your love and support. Your calls and prayers! We love you more than we can ever express!

1 comment:

Stringham Family said...

Wow! I am so sorry to hear that you missed your trip and that poor Brynnah was sick again. That is so sad. I'm so glad to hear that she is doing better though! I hope you make it on your trip soon. You are such strong awesome people and you amaze me every day. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help out. You are always welcome to come over and use our internet! :) Take care! If you need my number just email me or make a post on my blog!