Thursday, November 18, 2010
Fall Pictures
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Gwyn's Blessing
Monday, November 8, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Weight Gain!!!!!
I took Gwyn in for her 2 week checkup last week and to my surprise she had lost 1 lb from her birth weight! I totally freaked out and wondered what I was doing wrong. The doc. told me to bring her back in a few days later. I was breastfeeding and decided that I better make sure I was getting enough milk in. I totally wasn't. I was devastated to find out I only produce an ounce...for both sides. So, I had a decision to make..either keep breastfeeding (which Gwyn is a really LAZY eater. It would take her about an hour to nurse.) pump, and then try and get her to drink a bottle...which would consume about 2-3 hrs. Or just switch her to formula. I chose the latter. I took her back in to get weighed and she lost another ounce. I thought we really had a problem then. My mind was reverting back to thoughts of feeding tube placement. While we were at the docs. she was hungry, but of course I didn't bring anything with me. I thought we were going to be in and out. The nurse brought me some formula and a bottle to feed her. To my surprise she ate almost 4 ounces! The nipple on that bottle was a life saver! I took little miss Gwyn in today to get her weight re-checked....She gained 1 lb!!!!!! I couldn't believe it! I feel so much better knowing that she's actually getting full! Poor little thing being starved! So her weight as of today is 7 lbs 1 oz! Almost back to her birth weight!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Brynnah's Birthday Party!
Saturday, October 2, 2010

So apparently we now have new addition to the family that wasn't expected until Oct. 6. The baby decided she couldn't wait any longer. Jacqui started having contractions the night of the 28th. We went to the hospital and they ran some tests and gave her some fluids. The contractions were staying around 2min apart for about an hour and that's why we went in. After a few hours they decided that she wasn't ready bc she was only dialated 1cm. So come the morning of the 29th Brynnah was sent off to school about 30min later Jacqui's water decided to break. So we went back in and got settled into the triage room in L&D. Come to find out her placenta had ruptured and was starting to pullk away from her uterus. Once they realized what going on they rushed her back to the OR ofr an emergency c-section. Gwyneth Anne was born at 1057 on Sep. 29. She is beautiful and healthy as can be. We have been home since yesterday and have been enjoying a nice quiet house. Both Brynnah and Kirra are Ryan's parent's house until tomorrow. Brynnah really loves her new little sister. She has been really good with her and loves to hold her. She was also really excited to go stay with grandpa & grandma for the first time without her mommy & daddy.
Monday, September 27, 2010
For some reason my computer won't let me upload the pictures. I will try again later. So I had an interesting Birthday....I woke up at 4 am (I've separated some ribs and they really bother me especially at night.) I felt like I was having contractions but, they wouldn't ease up. I never had contractions when I was prego with Brynnah so I didn't know what to expect. Especially because I have a scheduled c-section this time around. So at 5:30 am I decided to call labor and delivery to see what I should do. They told me to come on in and that way they could monitor me. I was hooked up to the fetal monitors for a few hours before the attending came on. They started an IV and gave me a whole lot of fluids trying to stop the contractions. By the time the second bag was about half done, my contractions had slowed. The doc. came in and checked me ....I was a 1. -I only got to a 2 with Brynnah. So they made me walk for a while to see if the contractions picked back up. They did, but not consistent enough. So...they sent me home. Darn it! I was kinda hoping to have this kid a little bit earlier. We'll see I have 9 days left before my c-section and I'm still having contractions, just nothing consistent. I guess she just doesn't want to come quite yet! Either way I will have a baby in 9 days or less right!?!
Happy Birthday....To ME!
So I decided that I'm really SPOILED! My sweet hubby got me the flowers, shoes, and book. Erin thanks a ton for the socks...LOVE them! And the movie!!!!! A big thank you to my mom who made this quilt for baby Gwyn! Thank you for making it a special Birthday for me I love you all!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Ok. since I haven't been on my blog FOREVER I totally need everyones invites if you have a private blog! My email is: Thanks a million!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Internet Finally!
I just wanted to say a quick Hi to those of you who keep checking the blog with anticipation of a new post. Sorry I've disappointed you! We finally have Internet now so hopefully I will be posting a lot more often! Quick update:
Ryan: just started school. He's taking some generals hoping to get into an architectural program. He's still working at the jail and is still OK with it. He works weekend day shift which is really nice. Not only can he go to school but then he's able to help out more with appointments and everyday stuff!
Jacqui: It seems like I'm always crazy busy! I have Dr. appointments once a week now, NST(non-stress tests) twice a week. Of course I'm working on Christmas projects, trying to get them finished before the new baby comes. I'm due in 3 weeks from tomorrow! We are so excited for this little one to join our family. It's gone by so fast I can't believe it! Everything has gone so much better this time around. The gestational diabetes is well controlled so I've just been treated with oral meds. I've hit my 20# mark which is enough for me. My c-section is set for the 6th of October. I was hoping for the last week in September but my Dr. is pretty 3 days before Brynnah's birthday it is! I'm feeling great and definitely ready. I can't believe I already had Brynnah at this point in the pregnancy with her. Sandi took some pictures of us so I will post when I get those back from her!!!
Brynnah: Is doing just great. She really is starting to look like a little girl now! She got a new haircut for school and it's way cute! Her first day of school was today and she was so excited to tell me about her day. It's so great to hear her get excited and actually give me some feedback. She still has therapy: OT and PT have decided to go every other week now instead of weekly so that's nice. Speech for language and feeding is still once a week. We are hoping this year at school she will start talking and interacting with the other kids in her class. She's excited for her new baby sister to come! She loves putting her head on my tummy and picking out clothes for her sister!
I guess I've blabbed enough. It's good to be back!
Ryan: just started school. He's taking some generals hoping to get into an architectural program. He's still working at the jail and is still OK with it. He works weekend day shift which is really nice. Not only can he go to school but then he's able to help out more with appointments and everyday stuff!
Jacqui: It seems like I'm always crazy busy! I have Dr. appointments once a week now, NST(non-stress tests) twice a week. Of course I'm working on Christmas projects, trying to get them finished before the new baby comes. I'm due in 3 weeks from tomorrow! We are so excited for this little one to join our family. It's gone by so fast I can't believe it! Everything has gone so much better this time around. The gestational diabetes is well controlled so I've just been treated with oral meds. I've hit my 20# mark which is enough for me. My c-section is set for the 6th of October. I was hoping for the last week in September but my Dr. is pretty 3 days before Brynnah's birthday it is! I'm feeling great and definitely ready. I can't believe I already had Brynnah at this point in the pregnancy with her. Sandi took some pictures of us so I will post when I get those back from her!!!
Brynnah: Is doing just great. She really is starting to look like a little girl now! She got a new haircut for school and it's way cute! Her first day of school was today and she was so excited to tell me about her day. It's so great to hear her get excited and actually give me some feedback. She still has therapy: OT and PT have decided to go every other week now instead of weekly so that's nice. Speech for language and feeding is still once a week. We are hoping this year at school she will start talking and interacting with the other kids in her class. She's excited for her new baby sister to come! She loves putting her head on my tummy and picking out clothes for her sister!
I guess I've blabbed enough. It's good to be back!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Brynnah's Hospital Stay
Can you believe I'm actually updating my blog!?! I know it's been months and months since I last updated! I'm not going to try and catch up...I will just start from scratch! Most of you know that Little Miss Brynnah is currently at Primary Childrens. She got sick about 3 weeks ago with a cough. It started getting worse and I took her into the clinic every day for a week. The docs really couldn't find anything wrong with her. On that friday I told them I wanted her in the hospital because her oxygen levels were dropping and we don't have a way to check them at home. They admitted her and still couldn't find anything wrong. They ended up sending her to Primary's in an ambulance on sun. When we got here everything started getting worse. The doc's decided to put her in the ICU. The next day she continued to require more and more oxygen. They finally decided to put her on a ventillator(breathing machine). The regular ventillator wasn't enough for Bryn so they put her on an oscillator (a high frequency ventillator). We've been here for 2 weeks and haven't made a lot of progress. The doc's have been keeping her totally sedated and immobilized. I stay up here all the time and Ryan gets to come up on the weekends. I'm staying at the Ronald McDonald House and have met some really fantastic people. It's nice to have made some friends here that can be a support! Today they switched Bryn back to the regular ventillator...which to be honest I was really nervous about. But, she's doing well so far. They switched her about 12 noon today. If she's still doing well tomorrow they will start to let her be awake a little bit more! Which is really nice for me I haven't seen her beautiful eyes, or her smile, or heard her voice for over 2 weeks now! Thank you so much for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. We really appreciate all of you so much.
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