Monday, September 29, 2008

Husband Tag

1. What is his name? Ryan David Caywood
2. Who eats more? definately Ryan
3. Who said "I love you"first? again....Ryan
4. Who is taller? yet again...ryan...good thing cause i'm really short
5. Who is smarter? depends...but probably Ryan
6. Who is more sensitive? oh here's one that I can claim
7. Who does the laundry? both of us....I hate to fold so Ryan usually does that!
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Ryan sleeps on the right side if you are laying in it.
9. Who pays the bills? I do
10. Who cooks more?not sure....probably me though
11. What meals do you cook together? nothing....Ryan doesn't like me to help and he always gets in the way!
12. Who is more stubborn? Not even a debate on this one ME!
13. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? not sure....we're both pretty stubborn
14. Who has more siblings? Definately Ryan...he has 6 sibblings...I have 1
15. Who wears the pants in the relationship? he likes to think it's him but it's totally me!
16. What do you like to do together?We play alot of games and of course the wii...but we totally have different interests.....
17. Who eats more sweets? not sure....?
18. His guilty pleasures? groping me in's soooo not funny when he grabs my butt in front of his dad!
19. How did you meet? I was totally in LOVE with him when I was a soph. in high school
20. Who asked who out first? Ryan....twice!
21. Who proposed? He did outside my apartment
22. Who kissed who first? i actually think it was me....we had just had this conversation about both of us being too scared to initiate the first kiss.
23. His best features? hmmmm....definately his butt...(that's for you hun!)
24. His greatest quality?extremely easy going....which i'm totally NOT
25. Tag: Everyone!


Alli said...

Rayn and Jaquie-How fun to find you guys. Sonya sent us a note and then all of the sudden we are reconnected with everyone. I am so excited. You will have to check us out Theashbakerfamily.blogspot
Talk to you soon-I loved your videos.
Mike and Alli

Stringham Family said...

You are so dang funny! You crack me up. I loved the grabbing your butt in public answer. To funny! You are such a cute couple. Talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey- It is Amber (ward) from H.S. I jsut found your blog. I hope all is well. your daughter is a doll. Come visit our family's blog!! :)

Unknown said...

jaquie, k - i was blog-browsing and I rant into your blog . . . I hope it's ok if I put a link on mine to yours. Esp since we both have the same new calling, right???

ps my blog is

Erin said...

You guys are hilarious! I loved this.