Thursday, October 30, 2008

Walking and carrying her own stuff

We've been trying to figure out a way for Brynnah to start being more independant and walking more on her own. I had an epiphany a couple weeks ago and we set out for a baby stroller (the ones for dolls) and lo and behold what should we find at the DI for 2 bucks...this wonderful stroller and Brynnah absolutely loves it! We got it for her just before our trip to SLC and she was running around with it the whole time! She is such a big girl and I can't believe how much independance it's given her!!! Go Brynnah!


Anonymous said...

oh, that is a cute pic!
So, can your baby not talk or do you just teach her sign? I teach my 3 kids sign and they LOVE it!

Stringham Family said...

That is such a brilliant idea. Good thinking. She looks so cute with the stroller too. Glad she is doing so well.