Saturday, June 28, 2008


So I know every one's been waiting for this update so here it is....We saw the pulmonologist (lung)Friday morning and he was totally ok with her getting a kidney transplant!!!!! yeah! We were so excited to hear such fantastic news! He did want to get ahold of the nephrologist(kidney) and talk things over and make sure there weren't any more concerns. He also gave us a referral to see a geneticist(DNA) He thought it would be a good idea since no one knows why she has all of these problems. So hopefully we can get in soon and find out some more info. We also turned in the kidney transplant package so I don't know what the next step is but at least we've reached it! Brynnah also had surgery Friday afternoon she had he existing G-tube converted to a G-J tube (they extended the tube into her intestines) Everything went REALLY well. She didn't have any sedation and it was over within a half an hour! Can you believe it? I still can't and I was with her the whole time watching them torture my baby girl! She has such an unbelievably strong spirit!! I am continually amazed at her! On a good note she has been really excelling at therapies all of a sudden. She has quite the vocabulary (but, to our disappointment still isn't saying mom or dad) She's cruising all over the house and is starting to get more letting go with both hands for about 30 seconds!!! Before we know it she'll be rattling off sentences and running! I want to give a big thanks to the McConkie's for sacrificing their time and energy for Alisha to come with me this weekend it really helped out alot and we had so much fun!!!! So thanks Alisha you're an angel!


Stringham Family said...

We are so happy for you. I can't believe she is making such awesome progress. That is so wonderful. Hope all continues to go well for you. Keep in touch.

Janelle said...

YEAH! I am so excited for you even reading this makes me tear up I am so glad things seem to be just coming together all at once if you need anything let me know!!!