Wednesday, June 25, 2008

World of the Pharos

A couple of weeks ago we went to the Museum of Idaho....we've been wanting to go for months and finally make it!! It was really neat I enjoyed learning about the culture at that time.
(your not supposed to take pictures....but we couldn't resist , everything was so beautiful or....morbid) This next picture is of like a special ern they keep outside of the mummified bodies and then they would take out their vital organs before the mummifying process would begin and store them in these containers. I guess it would help better preserve them. They had a sign posted that said that some of these erns actually had partial internal organs still in tact. (which it totally gross and totally cool at the same time!) or maybe I am just really morbid. Anyhow we had a lot of fun and would definitely return again!!
I just thought this dress was absolutely stunning!
This is just one of the paintings that I thought was gorgeous! I just loved all the colors and the artists detail.

1 comment:

Average Me said...

That's so cool. I wanna go. I love that kind of morbid stuff too. =) You and I should go together. We'd have a blast hearing about guts and mummies. lol Love your face.